Audio Signals Podcast

Meet Javier, a science teacher from Buenos Aires with many interests and a true love of teaching, mentoring, and organizing hackathons | A Conversation With Javier Sabas Francario | Audio Signals Podcast With Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

Episode Summary

In this podcast, you get to meet an extraordinary person that lives his life and teaching job following the motto “it’s better to give than to receive” - as a matter of fact, he gave up a carrier as a naval engineer to become a teacher, a mentor, and an inspiration to his many students.

Episode Notes

In this podcast, you get to meet an extraordinary person that lives his life and teaching job following the motto “it’s better to give than to receive” - as a matter of fact, he gave up a carrier as a naval engineer to become a teacher, a mentor, and an inspiration to his many students.

Javier joined the conversation from the beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is sharing with our listeners and us his experience as a Science teacher (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) and his many passions for Mathematic, Astronomy, Meteorology, Geology, Military history and all sort of human technology: from a simple screw to a complex space rocket.

During the last few years, he participated in different challenges with his students and became a mentor in events such as science fairs and international challenges such as Open in space, Moon Mark, and NASA orbital space settlement.

As a matter of fact, he will discuss why Hackathons are fantastic initiatives and present the upcoming one he is organizing with The Mentor Project.

You can learn more about this event here 👉

Please, grab a chair and join our conversation!


About The Mentor Project
The Mentor Project is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our mentors are experts in science, technology, engineering, the arts, mathematics, business, and law. 

From developing a patent on how to use credit cards on the Internet to insights on space exploration and astronomy, to titans of industry and world-class technologists, TMP mentors share their skills and knowledge to inspire and guide their mentees.


Javier Sabas Francario
TMP Star Mentor, Ad Hoc Committees Hackathon at The Mentor Project [@_mentor_project]
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The Mentor Project Hackathon 👉


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